The new Trisquel 9 distro is out and I really think it is great, I have used the "mini" version which supports the fast and light lxde desktop and for this reason is my favorite flavor.
At first view you can see that there is some necessary software missing (Firefox-Abrowser for example) and it can be annoying if you wish to make multi functional installations.
Therefore there are many programs that allow to remaster a distro or create a live iso of your running system..
However I never liked them.. sometimes I fund issues with the size of the iso created (usually too big) and I never trusted 100% its functionality installing it on different PCs
I found out there is a way to "remaster" the original iso manually and including the missing software or making further personalizations.
In this case the result will be 100% clean and it will work like the original iso but with the benefit of your own personalizations.
As Trisquel is based on Ubuntu, the same process documented here will apply:
This guide is just to recap the process I follow based on my own needs in the easiest possible way.. so let's proceed...
Download it from the official website and then place it on your /home folder renaming it in simply trisquel.iso.
Get the necessary software to modify it with a simple sudo apt install squashfs-tools genisoimage resolvconf
From a new terminal complete the following steps:
mkdir ~/live
cd ~/live
mkdir extract-cd mnt
sudo mount -o loop ~/trisquel.iso mnt
sudo rsync --exclude=/casper/filesystem.squashfs -a mnt/ extract-cd
sudo unsquashfs mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs
sudo mv squashfs-root edit
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf edit/etc/
sudo mount --bind /dev/ edit/dev
sudo chroot edit
mount -t proc none /proc && mount -t sysfs none /sys && mount -t devpts none /dev/pts
export HOME=/root && export LC_ALL=C
cd /etc/skel
mkdir Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
cd /
At this point you can add all the software you want.
On mine I have done:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
and then:
sudo apt install libftdi1 libftdi-dev libusb-dev libpci-dev subversion pciutils usbutils git build-essential gnat flex bison libncurses5-dev wget zlib1g-dev flashrom
sudo apt install soundconverter squashfs-tools genisoimage resolvconf vlc pitivi libreoffice firefox gdebi wget git curl rsync gimp jami cheese kazam speedtest-cli screenfetch gparted network-manager-openvpn-gnome flashrom
sudo apt install blueman kodi kodi-pvr-iptvsimple lzop gnome-themes-extra xfce4-power-manager pavucontrol
sudo apt install libncurses-dev flex bison openssl libssl-dev dkms libelf-dev libudev-dev libpci-dev libiberty-dev autoconf build-essential libncurses5-dev fakeroot
wich is basically all I need for 1) recompiling,2) music/videos 3)office programs 4)internet stuff
then I have customized the fstab file to have the options "discard" and "noatime" by default running:
nano /lib/partman/fstab.d/ext3
On that file find the lines:
options="${options},errors=remount-ro" add (without the quotes) “noatime,nodiratime,” right before errors.
Change it in
save che changes and exit
Now we need to correctly exit the chroot enviroment:
apt-get clean
apt-get autoremove
rm -rf /tmp/* ~/.bash_history
umount /proc
umount /sys
umount /dev/pts
sudo umount edit/dev
sudo umount mnt
Now we are ready to build the iso of trisquel running from a terminal on your /live folder (previously set):
sudo mksquashfs edit extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs
cd extract-cd
sudo rm md5sum.txt
find -type f -print0 | sudo xargs -0 md5sum | grep -v isolinux/ | sudo tee md5sum.txt
cd ..
sudo mkisofs -r -V "tr1sq3lm4rc0" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../tr1sq3lm4rc0.iso extract-cd
cd ..
sudo chmod 777 tr1sq3lm4rc0.iso
At this point you will find the new tr1sq3lm4rc0.iso on your /home folder which in the example above is 1,5 GB, fair enough!
Now simply flash it on a cd/dvd or usb drive (using dd or any other program to do so) and to install it like the normal iso on any compatible pc.
You can also resume your building project or update after a while entering back on that folder and on a terminal:
cd ~/live
sudo mount --bind /dev/ edit/dev
sudo chroot edit
mount -t proc none /proc && mount -t sysfs none /sys && mount -t devpts none /dev/pts
now you can update/upgrade your built or add/remove software
at the end just repeat the steps for exiting on the chroot enviroment and once done then delete the previous built filesystem.squashfs with:
sudo rm ~/live/extract-cd/casper/filesystem.squashfs
You are now ready to build your iso with all the changes and upgrades again simply repeating the steps for building the iso.
For more details and more personalizations options please visit
I assume that skulls is already installed on your x230 and you are happy with it :) however you would like to change the bootsplash image.. It seems to be simple... however it can be "tricky".. or at least it was for me.. That's because the "usable" image created by the skulls script is the "top" one only. the coreboot instructions to flash with a layout file with didn't work for me 0x00000000:0x007fffff ifdmegbe 0x00800000:0x00bfffff bios I get this error: Proceeding anyway because user forced us to. Found chipset "Intel QM77". Enabling flash write... Warning: SPI Configuration Lockdown activated. Enabling hardware sequencing due to multiple flash chips detected. OK. Found Programmer flash chip "Opaque flash chip" (12288 kB, Programmer-specific) mapped at physical address 0x0000000000000000. Error: Image size (4194304 B) doesn't match the flash chip's size (12582912 B)! So I thought it could be a good idea to flash fro...
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