Skulls scripts - how to make the seabios_free version bootsplash showing and adding secondary payloads
I was playing with the skulls scripts for the seabios_free to rebuild the coreboot image for the thinkpad x230, considering that, as reported on their github, it: "includes the VGA BIOS SeaVGABIOS which is free software. While technically more interesting, visually this is currently not as beautiful: The bootspash image is not shown ." The solution that I have fund is not perfect as the supported resolution by libgfxinit is limited to 1024x768, so the image is shrunk, however it does show and it works fine for me. I have replied then on this thread /issues/59 What we have to change to fix it is not the .config file present in the /x230 folder but the free-defconfig-8053595370 file to set the correct resolution to the libgfxinit adding the following: CONFIG_LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER_MAX_WIDTH=1024 CONFIG_LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER_MAX_HEIGHT=768 Once done we still need to add the bootsplash image as per the seabios coreboot instructions However I think that adding on the script someth...